Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the pastor's power

None of us will find this "pleasure of the Lord to prosper in our hands," except every effort is grounded upon the practical conviction, that no strength but the arm of Omnipotence is sufficient for the work.

Conscious helplessness sinks under the depressing weight of responsibility.

Thus discouragements, properly sustained and carefully improved, become our most fruitful sources of eventual encouragement...

Charles Bridges, The Christian Ministry, p. 16-17

study church history

Let us not bury in forgetfulness the grace of God.

- Calvin


The most important event in the history of Scotland was when John Knox went upstairs to pray.

- Charles Spurgeon

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why we always play music

"People today are afraid to be alone. This fear is a dominant mark of our society. Many now ceaselessly sit in the cinema or read novels about other people's lives or watch dramas. Why? Simply to avoid having to face their own existence... No one seems to want (and no one can find) a place of quiet -- because, when you are quiet, you have to face reality. But many in the present generation dare not do this because on their own basis reality leads them to meaninglessness; so they fill their lives with entertainment, even if it is only noise..."

Francis Schaeffer, No Little People