Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Freedom and bondage

Where there are no absolutes, society is the only absolute.

- James Hitchcock, summarizing the thought of Francis Schaeffer on the loss of objective reason in Western culture and the resulting desire for "freedom."

James Hitchcock“Taking the Disease Seriously,” in Francis Schaeffer: Portrait of the Man and His Work, ed. Lane Dennis (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1986) 81.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

You can be saved without knowing when you were converted

“I hope I am saved,” says one, “but I do not know the date of my conversion.” That does not matter at all. It is a pleasant thing for a person to know his birthday; but when persons are not sure of the exact date of their birth, they do not, therefore, infer that they are not alive. If a person does not know when he was converted, that is no proof that he is not converted.

- Spurgeon, From sermon #2,000, "Healing by the Stripes of Jesus"